Market Organizers, News

10 things to include in your next vendor info e-mail

Market information e-mails are a key tool to deliver information to vendors, clarify procedures and set the stage for a successful and smooth market day. This article highlights 10 key elements of a vendor info email.

Every Wednesday before a market my vendors get a market information e-mail from me. It includes a few key elements to ensure my vendors are well-informed, prepared and equipped to make the most of their market experience. I keep the content concise, consistent and timely to set the stage for a successful and seamless market operation. These 10 things are always included:

  1. Stall map: In each e-mail I include the link to the stall map with a note that last minute changes can occur. I expect vendors to look up their number to have an idea where to go in the morning. As they arrive it is important to me to welcome everybody in and confirm their stall location. It also give me a chance to check in with each vendor and get a feeling of how they are doing. On rainy days vendors might need some encouragement, new vendors are maybe nervous and benefit of some reassurance and support while others need to vent about their stressful morning.
  2. Stall markings: at my market we use a rope with numbers indicating the stalls. In the e-mail it clarifies what side of the number to set up the tent. This information empowers vendors to set up their booth without having to double check with me first.
  3. Weather forecast: For an outdoor market it is important to be prepared for the weather. It is part of my customer service to include the link to a weather forecast website for their convenience.
  4. Tents/tables: clarifying the tent/stall size or table length for indoor markets, requirements for tent weights and reminders to bring a back wall or table cloth are parts of the vendor info e-mail. Our layout is tight and it would be a bit of an issue if a vendor shows up with a tent that doesn’t fit in their space.
  5. Payment terms: Our pricing system encourages vendors to pay ahead of the market ($5 cheaper if prepaid). This serves as a reminder to send the stall fee and accepted payment methods.
  6. Insurance: All vendors are required to have appropriate insurance coverage and I always include a link for day vendors to get insurance via
  7. Set up & take down: clarifying unloading and loading procedures to avoid traffic jam is important for smooth operations. Our market is in a fairly narrow road with limited access points and sometimes we can have a bit of a traffic jam if vendors don’t move their vehicles immediately after unloading.
  8. Social media: Marketing is a group effort and vendors are encouraged to use designated social media hastags and tag our account to promote the market and their products.
  9. Contact info: The vendor info e-mail always includes the phone number of the market manager for emergencies or last-minute assistance during the market.
  10. Market location: You would assume that vendors know where they have to go but if it’s a new venue, a new vendor or they send their staff it can be helpful to include the markets location.

Whenever I write a vendor information e-mail I try to think about it from a vendor perspective. What would I want to know ahead of time? What can make their life a bit easier? Are there any changes to the regular routine that vendors need to know, such as nearby events that might attract a different crowd? For me these e-mails are about customer service and good market management and ensure smooth market days.

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